My involvement with the Paprika Festival was spurred on by a desire to be a part of something different. I wanted to learn more about the world of theater and I wanted to get an inside look at the administrative side of running a festival. Most of all, I wanted to show my support for this community. Prior to my interest in the festival, I had no interaction with the theater community of any kind. Luckily for me, the theater enthusiast is a personable and extroverted breed of artist. At every board meeting or training day, I find that it takes no time at all to be approached by the friendly face of someone I’ve never met before.Although I’ve come to Paprika with a certain air of naivety, I am certainly no stranger to the world of the arts. I have been a musician for as long as I can remember and I have been professionally performing for two years. My experience in music certainly brings me closer to those involved with theater because we are all constantly obsessing over the same questions:
On Saturday, November 24th, we had yet another successful $2 Clothing Sale to raise money for the Paprika Festival! In the weeks leading up to the event, participants and staff of the festival, Youth Advisory Board members, and anyone else who wanted to help out ran around the city collecting clothing and piling it all up at the Clothing Sale Headquarters. Helpful friends of friends left garbage bags full of goodies on the porch and bit by bit, a mountain of goodwill in garbage bags grew.
My name is Katherine and I am a theatre artist. I recently started working for Paprika as a co-facilitator for the Creator's Unit, only a year after moving to my new home, Toronto. I have lived in many Canadian cities, including Vancouver, Montreal and Edmonton. I have, in equal measure, both loved and despised all the cities I have lived in, much like many of my romantic relationships (too much info?) but have broken up with with them for the cooler, older, dreamy-er Toronto. And I gotta say, so far things between me and this city are going really well. My parents have visited and they approve, which is great. And I think Toronto just really loves me for me. Toronto is not embarrassed to be seen with me. Ever. There is never a time when it's all, “sorry, but I'm busy. I need to be alone". I really think we're ready to commit to a long term relationship. But as an actor and a writer, I need to know my city will be there for me, inspiring, challenging and supporting me in my work.
10/28/12: 14 days until our first Training Day, when all participants will gather for the first time. We will have discussions, panels, workshops, and mad games of Simon Says. Until then, the Executive bides its time, preparing for the coming influx of young-artist energy and talent. Until then, we wait...and we plan.
I feel energized and old at the same time. Energized by the talent, drive, and enthusiasm of so many young artists. And old when I realize I’m a decade older than them. But I just want to be their friend because they’re so cool.
So, although the festival has been going for a couple of days now already, Instructions for Use is still finishing up rehearsals. Our tech day is Tuesday, and our shows are Wednesday and Saturday, so we still have time to finish up before going onstage. We did our first complete run with props, costumes, and transitions just over a week ago, and have been doing them since. So I feel like we're in a pretty good place with the show.
Upon the sudden realization that one has only a single week left to perfect their production, it is not uncommon for them to wish they were heavily skilled in the art of sorcery. However, as medicine, mathematics, and that old thorn in the side physics constantly reminds us, sorcery is usually considered useless when paired against its more physically plausible components; laser beam focus, perpetually burning energy, and good old fashion, fist-clenching stress.
Coleen/Reality: Hi, I'm Reality, but I'm sometimes called Coleen.Kealin/Possibility: And I'm Kealin, also known as Possibility.Coleen/Reality: And we're in a play, a delicate balance where we all know the true reality,Kealin/Possibility: But are also here to explore the possibilities. The play is titled, 'Sweet Dreams' and it revolves around a seventeen year-old girl named Sam who encounters and befriends her future mentor, Tara, a bartender at the Beaver Pub. Tara in her own essence teaches Sam about getting what you want but also facing the consequences that come along with it.Coleen/Reality: Then there's Amala, who is a prime example of settling and knowing how to make herself content. Through the relationships between these three women, we discover the consequences of risking possibility and facing reality.Kealin/Possibility: And that's our play, pretty much. Reality and I are always at odds.Coleen/Reality: No, we aren't.Kealin/Possibility: Mhm, sure.Coleen/Reality: We're supposed to talk about how we're doing, and our process!Kealin/Possibility: No, it's a blog post. We can talk about anything, the possibilities are endless!Coleen/Reality: Really now? I'm pretty sure they want something with actual information.Kealin/Possibility: Yes, because our title was so self-explanatory. Do they know that 'peanut galleries' means chatting? Not very clear.Coleen/Reality: Well fine then! Dear reader, if you're wondering how our process is going, here's the facts: we rehearse for less than two hours every Monday and Wednesday in a stairwell at Ryerson University, we talk non-stop, watch youtube videos, bicker, and somehow manage to block a scene.Kealin/Possibility: Ha! You can hardly call our rehearsal space a stairwell, it's HUGE. We call it the 'room'. And we get work done, just WHILE talking and watching youtube. Broaden your horizon there buddy, the reader is going to think we're slackers.Coleen/Reality: Well, we finally are posting on the blog-after over a month.Kealin/Possibility: It's not homework. Calm yourself. Dear reader, ignore our bickering, it's pretty much our play. Coleen and I have been watching our cast help create this show, and wanted to let you know what has been going on. So what has been going on...Coleen/Reality: We're focusing on transitions, last minute additions, and cleaning up some scenes.Kealin/Possibility: That and also the fact that we've all come to the understanding that this story, what it says for us and for so many out there, is a story we feel more than privileged to share at the Paprika Festival.Coleen/Reality: Yes, despite the very cheesy way you've worded it, I do agree.Kealin/Possibility: Really, you do?Coleen/Reality: Yes. I think the love we have for this show is something we can both agree to agree on.Kealin/Possiblity: We hope to see you there!Coleen/Reality: We will see you there.