Self-Care for Arts Workers with Lilia Leon
In this workshop Lilia will share tools and techniques to help you become aware of your unique needs as an arts worker and how to develop a self-care practice that you can sustain throughout your career.
Lilia Leon is a Mexican-Canadian performing artist with Mestizo heritage, whose artistic practice is deeply connected to her experience as a Latin American immigrant building a life in Canada since 2001. She holds a BA Degree in Dance from York University and is a graduate of the Professional Training Program at The School of Toronto Dance Theatre. Her work is versatile and includes performance, choreography and education in dance and theatre. She thrives when working in multi-disciplinary and collaborative creations and has worked with remarkable Indigenous, Canadian and Latin American artists. As an arts worker Lilia strives to hold values of empowerment and social justice at the centre of her process. In her choreography she is drawn to themes of identity, home and ancestry, and is an advocate for BIPOC artists’ increased representation in the arts sector. Looking for balance and sustainability in her career as an artist she completed studies in massage therapy in 2021. She remains passionate about her artistic practice and has a budding career as healthcare practitioner looking to support arts workers through massage therapy and self-care strategies. @artfulmassagetherapy