Pesch Nepoose
Pesch Nepoose (19/20 Indigenous Arts Program, Year 1) is a Cree multidisciplinary artist from Edmonton, Alberta, currently residing in Toronto, Ontario. She graduated her fourth and final year at the Centre for Indigenous Theatre in May 2019. Now a full time actor, she has been a part of many projects including the film By These Presents with Ange Loft, also acting in Hunger which premiered at the ImagiNative Film Festival 2019. Pesch enjoys working with Clay and Paper Theatre, Jumblies Theatre, the Encounters Collective and many others. While attending C.I.T. she formed a collective with her two classmates and created the play S.O.S. Saving Our Sovereignty, which was part of the Paprika Festival and Weesgachuk Begins to Dance Festival. Pesch has been writing her own one woman show as well, currently untitled.

The Bridge
Written by Pesch Nepoose
Kara is a young Indigenous woman struggling with the death of someone close, while also trying to navigate through addiction, depression and loss of identity.
Creative Team
- Writer: Pesch Nepoose
- Mentor: Ed Roy
Part of the 2020 Festival
Jul 16 at Indigenous Arts Program
Paired with Theresa Cutknife, and Sophie Dow.