Inviting Smiles From Social NOTworking
Why hello there,
You have just stumbled upon the Social NOTworking blog; we will do our best to make your stay here an enjoyable one.
Now you may be asking yourself who I am referring to as 'we', well, that is a wonderful question. 'We' consists of our 8 person cast, which includes our two directors -- Myself and the witty Nafeu Nasir -- as well as our Sound Guy, our Stage Manager, and our Lights Director; making a total of 11 people on our team.
We are all working hard to create, what we believe is a humorous satire. This satire personifies our addiction to Facebook, and explores the effects Facebook plays in our lives.
Now I have you up to speed with the plot of our play, and will -- in the not too distant future -- keep you informed of all of the crazy goings on at our rehearsals, and our process towards becoming ready to perform in front of an audience.
Until next time,
Keep smiling,
Mackenzie Ostler and the rest of Social Not Working